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Blue Monday – Is It All A Myth?


Blue Monday – Is It All A Myth?

Don’t let it get to you, Blue Monday is it really a thing or a social media myth? Enjoy Fabio Bonnano giving his take on it!

Yes, today is supposedly the most depressing day of the year.

Why is that you ask?

There are a few theories out there, reasons include;

  • The Christmas comedown is in full effect and the high of the festive fun has worn off
  • The debt from an early pay in December is starting to accumulate
  • New Year’s resolutions are already starting to fail
  • You’re suffering from SAD (seasonal affective disorder) which leaves you with a low mood due to the long winter season and lack of sunlight.
  • It’s Monday and the start of a week, which can be hard for lots of people


There’s no wonder we feel down at this time of year, one thing that makes you feel down is the lack of control!

We can’t change the weather, so slogging it out all winter can feel tough. If you know that life comes with highs and lows, you can take comfort in knowing that feeling down is ok. You’re not supposed to feel amazing all the time, and that’s ok. If you feel overwhelmed, there are plenty of options for free help for mental health, I like Mind Charity for the work they do for example.

women doing yoga


The key when you’re feeling overwhelmed is to take small actions to start to give you some wins. When you start small, you can manage your actions better and generate some positive momentum that will help other areas of your life.

That’s one of the reasons most people fail goals, they set them when they’re motivated and ignore the reality that life can wear you down.


Start small: If you’ve always failed at your goals then start small and give yourself that win. If you would like to workout 3-4 times per week, take a step back and guarantee 2-3 times per week. There’s something great about having manageable goals. This doesn’t mean you should be avoiding stretching your goals, this action is just to get you some quick wins.

Get outside: While the day isn’t long, warm or often bright, the sun’s power is still there get outside as early as possible, ideally at sunrise to get the positive effects of the sun that can help your mood. When you get out early in the morning, this sets you up for a good night’s sleep. We all know that sleeping well helps your mood too, so start your nighttime routine with a morning walk outside.

walking outdoors blue monday


Go for a walk: Walking is simple, anyone can do it and it’s free! Being out in nature calms the mind and it’s a great opportunity to burn calories and to destress at the same time. It’s not painful and helps contribute to a long and healthy life, I’d say getting regular walks are key!

Be quick: Big workouts might seem overwhelming for some but if you’re new to exercise, unfit or have been slacking for too long, you might not need huge workouts. Find a workout or do some simple bodyweight squats and press-ups to keep you moving, you just need 10-20 minutes to start. Get a few wins under your belt and you’ll start to improve and look to do full workouts!

Hydrate: Dehydration decreases performance and your bodies ability clear out toxins so drink enough water throughout the day and you’ll decrease hunger and reaching for bad foods. Look to drink about 750ml-1 litre per 20kg of body weight as a guide and start your day first thing with 500-1000 ml of water.


Eat well: Eat junk, feel like junk! Eat great, feel great! Look to increase protein intake from food sources such as lean beef,chicken, fish, eggs and dairy, if you struggle, have a protein shake.Protein keeps you fuller for longer and stops you from reaching for junk food, why not add in some vegetables and some starchy good carbs and you’re in a good place. If you are always eating sugary and processed foods, you’re going to increase inflammation in the body and that slows everything down.

Be grateful: Practice gratitude, whatever that looks like for you, being grateful has been shown to increase happiness. You can start with writing down (on paper) 3 things you’re grateful for in the morning and 3 things before bed. This puts your mind in a positive state and has you looking for the good in life instead of the bad. It sounds simple but can take you out of that funk, bonus points for speaking to real-life human beings and telling them you’re grateful for them!

Meditate: Last but not least is to meditate or practice mindfulness, this helps you focus on things you can control instead of what you can’t! You don’t have to start with full-blown meditation sessions but take 3-5 long deep breaths in and out and watch your stress levels decrease Set reminders on your phone, take time out of your busy day and if you need assistance, go onto YouTube or download apps like Calm or Headspace to get you going!


You might be feeling down today, just know that it’s normal and you’re not alone, get moving, drink water and set some goals. It will pass if you take action, so start where you are with what you’ve got and slowly build from there!

Never feel shy to catch me on my Instagram!



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