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Why Is It Important to Have a Regular Exercise Schedule?

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Why Is It Important to Have a Regular Exercise Schedule?

It’s not uncommon to hear how many people lose track of their “new year new me” resolution goals. This time of year, many people who made resolutions to better themselves have actually reverted to what they would consider bad habits. Likely acting exactly as they did the year before.

However, it’s important to remember how long it actually takes to develop a new hobby or behaviour. The changes you have committed to make or stick to won’t happen overnight and a lot of the time you are going to have to dig deep to stick to them.

Why Do People Struggle to Commit to Goals?

Why then do people struggle to achieve their goals or stick to the initial promises they made to themselves? The list could go on and on: boredom, FOMO (fear of missing out), and failure to see results.

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Many people are more preoccupied with how they are feeling right now than how they wish to feel in the future. If they don’t immediately notice their changes taking effect, some people would much rather relax.

To create a habit, it actually takes a person 21-30 days on average. It takes between 21 and 30 days to develop a new behaviour and perform it habitually without giving it much thought.

Powerhouse Fitness - Devloping Better Habits

A set routine that you can consistently follow will make it easier to reach your goals. Whether it’s to go for a run at 6am every day, go for a walk after work, eat healthier or eat more protein, it will all be made easier in a routine.

Usually, the first few days are quite exciting, but after that, the novelty wears off. It starts to drag on and seems a little too easy to ignore the alarm every morning.

This is where you must persevere and dig deep.

One day soon, you won’t even bat an eyelid, and you’ll get up as you said you’d do.

Benefits of Regular Exercise

Consider exercise as an example. Exercise has a wealth of advantages that you can make use of. This can be divided, nevertheless, into both short-term and long-term benefits of exercise.

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Short-term benefits offer the exerciser an immediate effect after exercising and it will most likely be a feeling over any physical changes. Many people feel better and more positive no matter what their end goal is.

Long-term benefits however are where exercise really shines. Helping those who engage in frequent exercise develop a better quality of life and relationship with their mind and body.

Short-term Benefits of Exercise

  • Decreases stress and anxiety
  • Boosts your mood
  • Lowers blood sugar within 1 hour
  • Improved quality of sleep

Long-term Benefits of Exercise

Your body and mind can benefit from regular exercise in the long run: which will also help in the long-term upkeep of your routine.

  • Weight management
  • Reach your goals quicker
  • Enjoyment of exercise 
  • Sense of achievement
  • Reduced fat
  • Improved mental health
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers
  • Increased bone strength
  • Improved balance and coordination

Why is Developing A Workout Routine Important?

If you enjoy exercising, one of the best things you could do is develop a fitness routine. Whatever your goals are, a solid routine will help you to reach them more efficiently and quicker than anticipated.

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Whether your aim is to train five times a week, hit 10,000 steps daily, or attend fitness classes regularly, a routine will help you every step of the way. Exercise or your new pastime of choice will become a lot more enjoyable as your body will be able to adjust to its daily expectations.

How To Develop A Routine & Stick To It?

Since getting into a routine can be tricky, we have put together the best tips to follow when trying to introduce yourself to a new one. The shortlist below can help you change your life, whether it’s through eating healthier, rising earlier, exercising regularly, or achieving any other goal.

Powerhouse Fitness - develop a routine


  1. Choose your daily routine: Make a decision on your normal schedule and what changes you’d like to make. Create a feasible, realistic schedule for yourself that you can maintain over time.
  2. Set small goals: Breaking down each of your larger goals into smaller ones will keep you focused and excited about how achievable your main goals are.
  3. Plan: Plan ahead. If you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail.
  4. Stay consistent: It’s easy to lose interest. Make sure that what you have arranged is something you want to stick with. It’s easy to give up, don’t be that person.
  5. Have fun: Whatever you decide to incorporate into your routine, enjoy it!
  6. Track your progress: Tracking progress has a great effect on keeping up momentum and motivation. This can take the form of tracking your weight, measurements, or general feelings. Allowing you to assess how far you’ve come since starting your new routine or interest.
  7. Reward yourself: Don’t place too many restrictions on yourself, and remember to reward yourself occasionally. Take that time to unwind, eat that pizza, or have that lie-in. Being successful doesn’t mean being restricted.


We encourage you, our reader, to take on your own routine. Make one change or start one hobby you’ve always wanted to do. Give it for 30 days. 30 days to condition your body and mind into your newfound routine.

Before you start, jot down your ideas and feelings regarding the challenges of the routine you might have, but also how it might benefit you. Compare your notes after 30 days.

30 days or one month to make a change that will only put to closer to your goals. Do what you said you’d do.

Powerhouse Fitness - 30 day challenge

This could be anything from commiting to a brand new resistance training program, getting your 10,000 steps a day using your new at-home treadmill, or dedicating yourself to an indoor bike session every morning…

Have fun, and good luck.

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